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Call for Applications: Workshop on Undergraduate Data Science Pedagogy + Practice, Sept 20 All Hand

  1. Foundations of Data Science curriculum built on computational thinking with python, inferential thinking by resampling, prediction and machine learning.

  2. Conveying how to interpret and communicate data and results using a diverse array of real data sets including economic data, geographic data and social networks.

  3. Guiding students in understanding how information will be incomplete and somewhat uncertain, yet inference methods can help quantify uncertainty and establish the accuracy of estimates.

  4. How the material is delivered in lectures, labs, assignments and student projects.

  5. Pedagogical theory underlying the integrated computing and statistics curriculum.

  6. Technology foundations underlying the pedagogy platform and how to replicate it.

  7. What it would take to translate the education approach and platform to your institution. The three and a half day workshop will be held in Berkeley on the UC campus from the afternoon of Monday, July 16 to the morning of Thursday July 19 to allow for travel on both days. Lodging and some meals will be provided. Limited travel funding is available.  Participation is limited to 25 applicants. The workshop is made possible by support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, and the University of California, Berkeley Division of Data Sciences. APPLY NOW: and Retweet the announcement Deadline to submit applications: Monday, May 21.  Notification of selected participants will be provided by Friday, May 25. Questions or interested in learning more? Email As always, we greatly appreciate your help spreading the word to increase participation across each West Region state (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming). To help us grow our community, please forward this note widely and tell your colleagues to join our mailing list! On behalf of the WBDIH leadership team and our growing network of collaborators, thank you for your continued interest, support, and enthusiasm. Hope to see or hear from you soon! Best, Meredith Meredith M. Lee, Ph.D. | Executive Director, West Big Data Innovation Hub | mmlee@berkeley.eduSave the Date: Opportunities to Connect May 30                     US Ignite Forum Workshop on Innovation and Emerging Concepts of Public Safety, Security, and Resilience  – Las Vegas, NV June 20-22               NSF BIG DATA and Hubs/Spokes PI Meeting – Washington DC Summer 2018         Water Data Opportunity: Stay Tuned this week for an announcement on social media! Sept 20                     West Hub Open Annual All Hands Meeting – Boise, ID


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The West Big Data Innovation Hub is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards #1916573, 1916481, and 1915774. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Learn more about the NSF Big Data Hubs community here.

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