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Hubs and Spokes: Success Guidelines

From November 3-5, 2015, an initial coalition of leaders from the regional hubs convened in Washington, DC to discuss governance and engagement strategies and to brainstorm ways to coordinate hub activities.  On the final day of the workshop, we hosted a live public webinar. The WBDIH presentation section starts at 43:12. Additional information about the launch of the hubs can be found in our growing collection of media links.

During the NSF November Launch meetings in Washington, DC, the hubs converged on a list of Success Guidelines for teams looking to submit NSF Spoke proposals:

Involves the application of big data technologies/methodologies to the solution of a scientific or societal challenge

Clear metrics/ timeline for success



Mix of industry, academia, government, non-government organizations

Highly collaborative

High impact

Includes a workforce development component

Articulates expected collaboration with the regional hub

We look forward to assisting Big Data Spoke proposal development by helping coordinate our region’s response and by identifying potential partnerships to strengthen our region’s proposals. All teams must submit a 2 page summary sharing an outline of their proposal ideas and how they will address the above guidelines.  Please note that the NSF Solicitation requests that each region’s spoke proposals fall under the hub’s broad themes.  More information about the West Hub’s themes can be found here.

The WBDIH deadline for 2-pagers is DECEMBER 18 (email to with subject NSF Spoke Solicitation: 2 PAGE SUMMARY). Discussion prior to this deadline is recommended to allow us additional time to help teams strengthen their proposals.

Our shared Google Calendar also highlights upcoming deadlines and events of note.


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The West Big Data Innovation Hub is supported by the National Science Foundation through awards #1916573, 1916481, and 1915774. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Learn more about the NSF Big Data Hubs community here.

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